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Visit Wat Phra Kaew (Kamphaeng Phet)

g_translate Thai name : วัดพระแก้ว
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Wat Phra Kaew chedi
Wat Phra Kaew Elephants
Wat Phra Kaeo
Wat Phra Keo
This is the high point of any visit to Kamphaeng Phet. Its three well preserved Buddhas, two sitting ones and one reclyning, are with the Wat Phra Si Ariyabot standing Buddha the two most important elements of Kamphaengphet Historical Park. Wat Phra Kaeo means "Temple of the Emerald Buddha," it should have sheltered the little emerald statue which is now in the temple of the same name in Bangkok at a time (there is also Wat Phra Kaew in Chiang Rai).
Besides the three majestic Buddhas located near the back of the temple, it still remains other statues, most damaged by age and weather, a chedi and the remains of another one which was carried by elephants statues. Unquestionably, the monument to see in Kamphaeng Phet !

Need a hotel near Wat Phra Kaew ?

Do you want to stay in a hotel near Wat Phra Kaew ?

See here a list of accommodations close to Wat Phra Kaew

Practical information about Wat Phra Kaew

It is located in the Historic Park part in the city. Enterance is in the street opposite to the National and Provincialal museums or behind the Shrine at the end of the same street (Pimduri Road).
Entrance fee for this areas of the park: 100 THB or 150 if you buy a ticket for the two areas of the park.

How to get to Wat Phra Kaew ?

If you are staying in town in Kamphaeng Phet, you should be able to reach Wat Phra Kaew by walking or by cycling (some guesthouses or hotels rent bicycles). Otherwise, check with your hotel reception to order a tuk-tuk.
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Rules to respect when visiting a temple

Wat Phra Kaew is a temple and when you visit a temple in Thailand there are some rules to know and follow :

  • Dress properly (knees and shoulders should be covered)
  • Take off your shoes when entering the buildings
  • Be quiet
  • Don't hug or kiss
  • Don't point your feet to Buddha's image
  • Don't smoke

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