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Visit Ao Noi (Prachuap Khiri Khan)

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Prachuap Khiri Khan
Prachuap Ao Noi
Prachuap Ao Noi Temple
Prachuap Ao Noi Temple
Ao Noi beach is quite long with fishing boats at the end. After the village, you arrive at Wat Ao Noi, a beautiful teak temple at the foot of a mountain surrounded by two large 9 heads nagas. Behind it on the mountain , you will see a staircase made with shells with a standing Buddha in the middle leading to two buildings. And on the right, there are the stairs leading to the cave hosting a reclining Buddha. Don't forget to to turn the light of the cave on before starting the climb. The switch is on the wall of the building at right before the grand staircase (a small donation into the box below will be welcome). Along the way, you will have beautiful views over the bay and the beach with many fishing boats. When returning to the village you can go to the pier if you feel like it.
A little bike ride in Ao Noi area to visit the temple and the cave with the Reclining Buddha is a beautiful bike ride that can be combined with Khao Ta Mong Lai Forest Park for a short trek in the mountains at the edge of the coast. Note that Ao Noi beach is not particularly suitable for swimming .

Need a hotel near Ao Noi ?

Do you want to stay in a hotel near Ao Noi ?

See here a list of accommodations close to Ao Noi

Practical information about Ao Noi

There are a few guesthouses, hotels and bungalows near Ao Noi.

How to get to Ao Noi ?

To go to Ao Noi temple, follow the signs Wat Ao Noi and once in the village follow Aow Noi Seaview Resort direction.
You will find bikes for rent on the seafront where the guesthouses are (50-60 THB par day).
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