Your Travel Guide to Thailand
All information & tips to prepare your trip in Thailand
It is the longest and wildest beach on Koh Yao Noi. It is not that easy to access. But precisely because it is almost deserted and wild, it gives you the impression of being a Robinson Crusoe lost...
These giant King Kong statues built with rice straw became in a few months one of the great curiosities in Chiang Mai. They are installed near Huay Thung Tao Lake about ten kilometers from the city.
large square golden chedi whose style is inspired by Mahabodhi in Bodhgaya in India, it is one of the two Mon temples that are in Wangkha,the Mon part of Sangkhlaburi on the other side of the...
This Muslim fishing village with its houses on stilts and its long cement walkway over the sea that leads to a tower to observe the dugongs is one of the most interesting places to discover the...
We have been waiting for it for months, hoping it will happen on July 1, but it will finally be October 1, 2022, when Thailand will lift the last COVID restrictions to enter the country. From this date, it will no longer be necessary to show...