Your Travel Guide to Thailand
All information & tips to prepare your trip in Thailand
Koh Ngai hotels are more of a higher category resort, especially in price. Over the years, the cheap accommodations have disappeared but there are still some left. My favorite comfort/price ratio is the Koh Ngai Seafood Resort with very good hard bungalows (some have no air conditioning and only fans) and an excellent restaurant.
When trying to book a hotel in Koh Ngai, you will often come across the Koh Ngai Resort but it is located at the pier on a not very beautiful stretch of beach, I recommend the other complexes on the large neighboring beach. A small path, very steep and complicated to take with luggage, even a big backpack, connects the pier and the main beach and longtail boats transfer you between the pier and the main beach (100 THB per person).
We have been waiting for it for months, hoping it will happen on July 1, but it will finally be October 1, 2022, when Thailand will lift the last COVID restrictions to enter the country. From this date, it will no longer be necessary to show...