
Your Travel Guide to Thailand

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Visit Mo Paeng Waterfall (Pai)

g_translate Thai name : น้ำตกหมอแปง
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If you are looking for accommodation near Mo Paeng Waterfall, you can see here a list of hotels near Mo Paeng Waterfall
Pai Paeng Waterfall
Pai Nam Tok Mo Paeng
Nam Tok Mo Paeng Pai
This is the closest waterfall from Pai center and the most populated one too. It usually ends up a bike ride (challenging if you do not have a mountain bike with gears) or a scooter ride including Wat Nam Hoo, the Chinese village and Lisu village. There are a few pools where you can swim and even a portion that the bravest use as a slide ramp. Do not expect crystal clear water like Erawan but no worries you can bath at Mo Paeng Waterfall.

Need a hotel near Mo Paeng Waterfall ?

Do you want to stay in a hotel near Mo Paeng Waterfall ?

See here a list of accommodations close to Mo Paeng Waterfall

Practical information about Mo Paeng Waterfall

No admission fee
A motorcycle taxi (10 meters from the bus station) will take you there for 100 THB

How to get to Mo Paeng Waterfall ?

A moto-taxi (station 10 meters from the bus station) takes you there for around 150 THB.
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