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Visit Gems market (Chanthaburi)

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Gems Market Chanthaburi Thailande
Chanthaburi Gems Market
Chanthaburi is known for its cathedral and for its gemstone weekend market that is not far from it. But it's not a market for tourists at all. Here, professional traders analyze and buy stones for jewelers or wholesalers.

Need a hotel near Gems market ?

Do you want to stay in a hotel near Gems market ?

See here a list of accommodations close to Gems market

Practical information about Gems market

The gemstone market is held from Friday to Sunday and takes place mainly in the small Trok Kachang street at the end of Sukhaphiban Road, 3 minutes walk from the cathedral.

How to get to Gems market ?

This market is also close to Sukhapiban Road so easily accessible on foot.
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