King of Thailand sent best wishes to Thais

On His New Year’s greeting card broadcasted on national radio and television, His Majesty the King invited all Thais to have strong will and determination in each of their actions so that they will achieve true  happiness and sustainable  prosperity.

King of Thailand

The King also blessed  that the power of the Triple Gems and sacred objects would  protect them.

King of Thailand
Greeting Card 2015 King of Thailand

The greeting card features a picture of King Mahajanaka, swimming in a highly stormy ocean after the sinking of his ship. The image is taken from the history of Mahajanaka written by His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej.

The card says “May you be blessed with sheer perseverance, strong wisdom, and complete physical health” . Perseverance is one aspect of Dhamma that is emphasized in this book. In the history of Mahajanaka, Prince Mahajanaka went with other merchants in the land of Suvarnabhumi. But their ship collapsed in a storm.

All other passengers died. Only Mahajanaka survived. He swam for seven days and seven nights. Mani Mekhala, the goddess of clouds and rain noticed him swimming in the vast ocean. She asked him why he continued to swim when there was no coast in sight.

Mahajanaka replied that if he persisted, the destination would be reached one day. He says, “Everyone who participates perseverance, even in the face of death, will not have a debt to his parents or gods or his mother or his father. In addition, any person who does his duty as a man will enjoy Ultimate Peace in the future.”

The goddess replied, “The one who is so full of patience never sink into the vast ocean that has no limits. With perseverance, you will be able to go where you want.” Then she brought Mahajanaka to his destination.

The history of Mahajanaka was published in 1996 on the occasion of the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the accession of His Majesty to the throne of Thailand.

So in 2015, let perseverance be the key to your success!

Mike Thailandee

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