Win a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Thailand !
The Tourism Authority of Thailand invites non-Thai travelers from around the world interested in Thai culture to experience an ultra-exclusive, once-in-a-lifetime trip to Thailand absolutely FREE simply by participating in the “One and Only” contest.
To join, you have to choose an activity you enjoy among these five activities: Muay Thai, traditional Thai dancing, Thai cooking, making Thai-style floral garlands, or speaking Thai. Discover Thainess will upload a video clip for each activity for you to use as a guideline for making your own video. Film yourself doing the same activity, submit the clip to us, and get a chance to be a part of this unique and culturally rich experience.
Three teams of finalists will be invited to Thailand to participate in the activity they selected. Plus, they will be able to travel around Thailand for FREE. While traveling, their lives will be filmed for online voting on The team that receives the highest number of votes will win prestigious souvenirs from the Bang Sai Royal Folk Arts and Crafts Centre under the Royal patronage of H.M.Queen Sirikit, such as a handmade model of the Suphannahong, Hanuman Khon Mask, Phra Narai Khon Mask, and accommodation package in Thailand.
Particpations must be registered before April 30 midnight. Then, in May, the 3 finalists will be designated and announced on June 1st. All month of July, they will travel in Thailand and participate in the five activities.
To participate and read the full rules of the contest, go here:
Good luck and if you win, do not forget to share your journey on our Facebook page!